Llama GRATIS 917 715 333

Two Miracles

After starting futile IVF at home in Australia my Gynaecologist recommended Egg Donor IVF in Spain. Initially I grieved but once I came to terms with my situation I contacted a multitude of Spanish fertility clinics. Ginemed appealed to me but unfortunately I decided to use a clinic in Madrid as the travel was more direct. My husband and I traveled to the Madrid clinic I had several unsuccessful Egg Donor IVF treatment cycles with almost all the embryos dying in the laboratory before I could undergo the embryo transfer procedure. The clinic staff even tried making double donation embryos (proven Egg donor and proven Sperm donor) but all those embryos died by day 2 in the laboratory. I felt hopeless, desperately empty and alone. For a while I gave up all hope of having a baby.

After six months I decided I needed to try again. I wanted a program that would give me a guarantee. I contacted many Spanish fertility clinics and some offered guarantees. All the clinics except Ginemed refused me their guarantee due to that history of the double donation embryos dying. Those clinics did not care that this event was not medically induced by to me as the embryos died before the embryo transfer procedure could take place. Those other clinics were not confident in their ability to successfully help me conceive.

I met Dr Fernando Sánchez Martín through a lovely International Reproduction Co-ordinator at Ginemed named Stephanie and her colleague Gemma. After a thorough review of my health and my treatment history Dr Fernando was confident he could help me. I entered into Ginemed’s Pregnancy Guarantee Program.

Stephanie was wonderful, she promptly and happily addressed all my questions and concerns. She never made me feel silly or like a burden. Stephanie was an incredible source of support. Infertility was such a lonely journey for me as I could not share my sadness and disappointments with family or friends, I felt like Stephanie was my friend and ally on this journey.

There were some setbacks along the way as my body did not seem to be cooperative. Dr Fernando and Dr Pascual persisted, they changed my protocol and addressed my concerns. In total I had one cycle of Egg Donor IVF using my husband’s sperm to create six healthy embryos. It took three visits to Seville for the three embryo transfer procedures.

On the third visit I had two blastocysts transferred and I was finally pregnant with two beautiful girls. My babies came a little early but they were perfect. Now they are a picture of health and strength. My daughters are the light of my existence, I love them so dearly. and my life feels full now.

I could never fully articulate my gratitude to the Ginemed team for giving me my family.

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